All of the priority 9 bugs and all of the bugs listed on the roadmap for required the 0.36 release have been resolved and closed.
(It's been pretty amazing how much intensity was placed into bug fixing this last week; 20 bugs closed!)
The remaining priority-6 bugs are listed and commented on below. My thought was that the priority-6 bugs "would be nice to close" but were not required. We've closed a number of them, and I think the remainder can be left for a future release. If anyone feels differently on any of these, speak up now.
[ 851467 ] Export selection bounds too small
There is a patch for this that John Stracke is developing for Sodipodi. If we wait a tad longer it might become more matured. See Sodipodi Bug#758775 for the patch.
[ 841633 ] Icons problem for win32
I'd like to get confirmation that this still occurs, as I suspect the GtkButton rework may have resolved it. It doesn't cause a crash and sounds like its platform dependent, though. If the problem still exists, then it should be made high priority for the next release.
[ 850936 ] .32 crashes when setting printer destination
It no longer crashes but it does emit an ERROR message. This should receive high priority in the next release but may be acceptable for 0.36.
[ 853804 ] SVG COMPLIANCE: Paths shown will fill when fill:none
The issue is that "file: none;" and "fill:none;" behave differently for the given case. This is important for importing SVG but perhaps one we can leave 'til next release as it doesn't impact general use.
[ 852619 ] XML editor crash
There are a couple XML editor related bugs, but they appear unrelated. This particular bug is uncovered after a sequence of steps that may not be encountered by most users in general usage.
[ 50549 ] spiral crash
This is an easy bug to reproduce, however the spiral shape does not seem like one that would normally get heavy use.
[ 847886 ] transformation inaccuracies
The change from float to double addressed part of the bug, the remainder appears to be a legitimate issue but may not be noticeable to regular users.
[ 851937 ] Postscript file output does not respect document size
More of a feature request than a bug, I think.
[ 851131 ] Print preview does nothing
I'm not sure if print preview is implemented, as it's never worked for me. I've commented out the menu item. If this *does* work for anyone, let me know so we can leave it in but mark it a 'known issue', and get it fixed. Otherwise we should list high on the feature request list.
[ 853858 ] errors when copying objects between docs
Bulia estimates this will require too much effort to fix for 0.36. It's listed as a known issue on the release notes page.
[ 850971 ] Crash while deleting too much using the XML editor
This bug is in regards to deleting the sodipodi namedview element via the XML editor. I looked into the code to see if there was an easy way to trap it but to do it right it looks like it would take some research. Since it's an unusual error I don't think a quick fix would be appropriate, and some time should be taken during the next release cycle to find a good solution.
[ 851779 ] Style property "currentColor" not used properly
This is another compliance issue for importing SVG files. Specifically, from gnuplot.