Valentin JANIAUT wrote:
... First of all : . Users are asking for an option to display printer boundaries. This is something I regularly missed with Inkscape when I want to print some document. Sometimes I have some bad result, because the print area is too small for my printer.
And secondly, . Users are asking for an "Ungroup All". Sometimes when I import some Open Clip Art files, I would like to ungroup all before I start to work. So I think it can be useful. ...
Unless you're particularly familiar with these things they might not be the best place to start. Especially for an image processing student. It might be easier for you to improve one of the filters first. You can find all the filter implementations in src/display/nr-filter-*.
Some of the lower hanging fruit that I can think of right now are: - A more efficient morphology filter. (I actually started on this once, but I never got around to finishing it properly, if you want you can have a look at what I've got.) - Support for more edge modes in convolvematrix. Also, the tile filter still needs an implementation. This might not be very easy, but it should be doable as long as you can figure out how to properly handle transforms.
Finally, if you want to get your hands really, really dirty you might consider taking on the image filter, as it is in a frightful state (as well as being one of the most important filters). If you do you may want to check with me though, as I'm still slowly working on this myself as well and have some partially improved code lying around (out of necessity, as Inkscape currently crashes on some of my filters that use feImage).