24 May
24 May
2:47 a.m.
On May 23, 2009, at 9:45 PM, Krzysztof KosiĆski wrote:
Ed Halley wrote:
but removes support for icons.svg. Should I commit this?
Er, no, then.
You can still put custom icons in ~/.config/Inkscape/icons/hicolor, but you have to use the "discrete" format (like in the hicolor directory in the source tree).
Yes, I am aware of the purpose of the hicolor directory, but I think it's ridiculous to keep hundreds of icons as individual tiny files. Icons belong in sets, and I rather prefer the Inkscape icons.svg scheme to store whole sets at a time, viewable and adjustable all at once, identified by their group identifiers, not whole filenames.
-- [ e d @ h a l l e y . c c ]