29 Apr
29 Apr
7:27 a.m.
I've just translated Bulia's tutorials to french. they are available at http://www.le-radar.com/mm/sodipodi/xml/tutorial-basic_fr.svg http://www.le-radar.com/mm/sodipodi/xml/tutorial-advanced_fr.svg
May be these could be put on CVS by right owner.
Since de manual I made was writtent for Sodipodi and that it is a quite old now (because Inkscape is improving very fast), I aim to update it in the following weeks. I also would like to improve english translation of this future manual. Help would be welcome.
I'll tell more about the way I see that in the next days. May be People with Ideas can telle there wishes before the beginning of the update work period.
Cheers Cedric