Please, could someone just take a short look? It's not a huge amount of code, and I'd like to get this done while I can...
Do the given code examples here: https://inkscape.org/fr/developper/style-du-code-source/
correspond to the style guidelines after we have salvaged them from the backups and re-formatted them?
Kind regards, Maren
Am 05.04.2016 um 12:11 schrieb Maren Hachmann:
Hi everyone,
I'm forwarding this message from Sylvain (website contributor, French translator), which bounced when he tried to send it to the devel mailing list. Could someone please double-check if the salvaged code examples on the website correspond to the style guidelines?
Kind regards, Maren
Message from Sylvain:
Hello everybody,
There were previously code examples on the page of the website about the coding style. These were removed when a highlighter plugin was removed from the CMS. We could get them back from a backup but I restored the format myself as it was encoded (with \r\n instead of line endings and many spaces had run away). Could you please check that the 3 codes are really conformant to the coding style, then correct errors or describe them? The codes are only on the French version of the page; I will add them on the English version when we will be sure they are good.
Note: I am not on the inkscape-devel mailing list, remember to keep me as a receiver of mails about this topic. -- Sylvain
Inkscape-devel mailing list Inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/inkscape-devel