On Jul 4, 2007, at 10:58 AM, bulia byak wrote:

On 7/4/07, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:

Gimp's way of handling this (choice between grid view, list view and

different size of swatches) is nice IMHO. And it would also have the

advantage of being well known already.

Indeed, if you borrow this widget from GIMP (which also uses GTK) it

would make your work easier and will give us a lot of nice

functionality for free.

Sorry for the late response, but Real Life really smacked me upside the head there for a while...

Anyway, Bulia's assessment of the GIMP's widget is in line with mine. In fact, I implemented the color swatches in a C++ way that was based on GIMP's, so as to allow for us to implement that behavior, but in C++ instead of C.

If anyone wants to work in that area, I can collaborate/advise.