On 23 March 2016 at 09:24, Krzysztof KosiƄski <tweenk.pl@...400...> wrote:
2016-03-23 1:20 GMT-07:00 Olof Bjarnason <olof.bjarnason@...400...>:
> 2. The "SHELL" script. This would be re-written to be a .bat file which does
> similar to what the bash script is doing now. Have no idea how though, and I
> would guess it's *a lot* harder, as you cannot even install a compiler
> simply in Windows, and there is no packaging support, and the list goes
> on...

Theoretically there's Nuget, which is like a package manager for
Visual Studio, and there should be a way to download and run
installers from PowerShell. But I agree, this is far more complicated.

True, PowerShell+nuget should be a lot simpler than .bat, however still very hard :)

Found this blog post on building a Windows Server 8 VM using Vagrant if someone is up for the challenge. I just remembered Visual Studio Community edition is actually free for this kind of use nowadays, so then it's just the OS ISO that is a tough point from a license/legal point of view:


Best regards, Krzysztof