Hi all,
Le Jeudi 10 juillet 2014 4h32, Liam White <inkscapebrony@...400...> a écrit :
I've added a gtk3 build rule to the 64-bit Windows devlibs[0]. I'd like people to start testing out the gtk3 look on Windows.
Is there an interest in keeping a separate devlibs-gtk3 branch in the official inkscape-devlibs project (https://code.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape-devlibs/devlibs-gtk3)? I created the branch 18 months ago as an experiment to test the OpenSuse cross-compiled libs (with both GTK2 and GTK3 support) as a replacement for the current devlibs to ease our libs update work. It works with Win32 platforms, but since OpenSuse also provides Win64 libs, it should not be too difficult to create a specific branch for someone who has access to a Windows 64 bits computer.
But now that we have a new devlibs-64 project that supports GTK2 and GTK3, I'm not sure it's still useful...
BTW, why do we have a separate inkscape-devlibs64 project instead of a testing branch in the existing inkscape-devlibs project? (we could manage bugs affecting the different branches with tags)
Regards, -- Nicolas
PS: For many reasons (1. I'm really fed up with developing on Windows platforms, 2. I only have 32 bits Windows versions, the most recent being 7 family, 3. Other developers are far more competent when it comes to working on Windows, 4. I already spent too much time on it, with very limited result. It would have been better spent doing useful work elsewhere in the code) I'm stopping all Inkscape development on Windows for now (except testing bugs and patches), and don't plan to work on the devlibs and the experimental branch again.