On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 12:16 -0400, bulia byak wrote:
If there are any eligible people on this list who plan to participate, let's get the discussion going about what projects you might be interested in.
Ideas I was throwing around, but I haven't fully developed:
-- Integrating the Perl and Python interpreters to run scripts. Basically they wouldn't have to connect to anything in Inkscape, but they'd keep the script parsed while it was being used (handled by the load and unload events).
-- Better bitmap insertion. Basically getting things like DPI information out of bitmaps and having that "just work" for most people. I'd also be nice to integrate a base64 encoder on the load function to embed images on load also. Lastly, I think we should have some way to set up a clipping path on images that have full transparency. This might be an extension though.
-- Imagemagick bitmap operations. I still really like this one, I think that people got confused last year thinking I wanted to convert vector-to-raster and then do an operation on it. No, really, I want to only have operations on things that are already bitmaps. This way you can do the simple bitmap stuff without using The GIMP.
-- PDF import using Cairo and Popler. Anyone know how good Cairo's SVG output is currently? If it's not ready, this project shouldn't be done.