bulia byak wrote:
On 2/23/07, Aaron Spike <aaron@...749...> wrote:
I wonder if this wouldn't be a good place to start looking into pluggable tools. There are a number of things that I've seen pointing in this direction lately.
I have nothing against pluggable tools in principle, but this one should really be added to the star tool. They are too similar to add anything new.
Flood fill being another.
And this one is just too generally useful to be a plugin. I think plugins should be for specialized tools that cover specialized needs.
Well, as much as I hate to use Illustrator as an example, everything in Illustrator is a plugin. All of the core tools, all of the effects, the dialogs, etc.
If there is no difference in terms of performance, would this still be bad in your eyes? If it's 100% transparent to the user, and if it could somehow cut down compile times, it makes sense for all of our existing tools to be refactored into plugins as well.
Note, none of the above may actually be practical... but I figured I'd ask (and point out the AI thing).