On 28/9/10 22:51, JiHO wrote:
Hello all,
This is an old issue I think, and this made wonder wether there was a workaround by now. Here are the steps:
1- draw a perfectly horizontal line (snap to grid to be sure) 2- select the path with the selector tool. Its size is displayed in the toolbar 3.1- in inkscape preferences > tools, select visual bounding box 3.2- resize the width of the line by typing a new number (say, half the original) in the toolbar => The line is resized but only approximately 4.1- in inkscape preferences > tools, select geometric bounding box 4.2- resize the width of the line by typing a new number in the toolbar => The line is not resized at all
This works the same when you try to change the height of a vertical line. I guess all this relates to a division by zero somewhere since it disappears as soon as the line is slanted even by the tiniest amount.
I could not find a bug report but there is surely one (I probably just searched with incorrect terms). Is there a fix in sight? a workaround? I am trying to map an apartment and it's just a bunch of horizontal and vertical lines that need to have a precise length.
AFAICT both issues (depending on bbox mode) are listed in the comments of Bug #452102 “Wrong value set when changing the size of a horizontal (or vertical) line”: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/452102
Still present in 0.48+devel r9794, no workaround I'm aware of (except using snapping (nodes to grid or guides) for precise coordinates, with the select tool or maybe the node tool, which now allows multi-path editing).