Hello OSX Tiger users,
I have posted an Inkscape 0.46 package for Tiger (10.4.x) users: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/inkscape/Inkscape-0.46-2.TIGER.UNIVERSAL.dm...
This package was built complete from a PPC 10.4.11 machine, and since I do not have access to an Intel Mac running 10.4.11 it has not been tested on Intel hardware. If you have an Intel 10.4.11 machine, could you please let me know if the package works for you?
Apologies for the initial lack of Inkscape 0.46 package for Tiger users. Producing packages for older OS releases is always more difficult when the Inkscape Mac developers are no longer using that OS for their normal builds, and building Universal packages, even more so!
(Our CompilingMacOsX wiki page is currently out of date, but will be shortly updated to reflect the steps used to build these official packages.)
Cheers, Michael