On 9 nov. 05, at 01:13, Michael Wybrow wrote:
On Tue, 8 Nov 2005, jiho wrote:
I have copied them from a fresh CVS checkout and packaged the beast. Where should I put the package?
ftp on upload.sf.net anonymous into the incomming directory then tell the list what (filename) you uploaded. An admin will push this to the site.
ok its there: Inkscape_0.43pre2.dmg
There were a couple of problems with this package:
- It was missing all the translation files. This is probably due
to a bug in your version of gcc which causes the configure test for a valid "dgettext" function to fail, even though it exists on OS X. (I've had the same problem. A workaround is to set "ac_cv_lib_intl_dgettext=yes"
OK. I tested the package but as my system is in english I did not remarked this. My version of gcc is gcc 3.3 from os X on Tiger. How can I check if the nightlies I built have the same problem? And then how to I set "ac_cv_lib_intl_dgettext=yes"? is it in the makefile? as an environment variable? maybe it should be in the wiki somewhere (like in troubleshooting section)?
About package size: my packages are 24.8 MB and the resulting inkscape is 80 MB and I am apparently missing some files. Yours are 14 MB and resulting Inkscape is 32 MB and is complete. what am I doing wrong???
- It did not have the correct paths set inside the executable, which causes problems like some of the icons not displaying in some
cases. This is because when builing the OS X package, Inkscape should be configured with the "--enable-osxapp" option. I've documented this in the OS X package build script as well as in the wiki instructions.
I wasn't aware of the option sorry. Once again all seemed fine to me but I guess it is because I only tested it on my system. By the way, with previous builds (the only I did not do myself) I remarked that the tutorials were not accessible. Is it part of the same problem? can you access tutorials in my builds? I can in the pre2-2 I downloaded (I assume it is yours). As to the wiki I'll rather put the option directly next to configure because the way it is now will probably lead people to configure make and make install before seeing it and they will have to redo the whole thing. In addition I guess that everybody compiling on os X will probably want his bundle.
I've uploaded and released an updated OS X package for pre2.
Downloaded and testing it a little. everything seems fine to me.
Additional note about python: As I understand it, python is shipped with mac os X, even without the developers packaged installed. does somebody knows if pyXML is somewhere inside this? fink apparently has a package pyxml for different versions of python but it requires to install python from fink which is a waste of space and compile time. in addition, know that there is an Inkscape package it would be great to be able to use it completely without fink. My idea behind this is that, as effects are enabled by default now, as most of them require pyxml, as mac os X has python and as mac users are lazy and want ready to use stuff, would it be possible to use os x python, or provide them with a package or... whatever.
JiHO --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme. --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/