Hi Maren,
I talked with Chris this morning about how to set things up. But we were mostly trialing, thinking and researching. So not decisions or anything.
Even the booktype server of flossmanuals works with automation. Using one of those would also have the advantage that, once set up, this system could be used for both developer as well as user documentation (as Victor wrote in his post - and I agree with him).
Developer documentation is a very different beast and I'd like to if at all possible keep that separate. wiki.inkscape.org is the best location for that at the moment.
One of the ideas we were playing with, was getting contributors to edit content directly at gitlab.com, then we have a bunch of scripts that consume the wiki git repository, generate pot/po files, and provide the raw resource for an optional secondary step.
The second step would be a sort of publishing step. Where we take the content as a specific time, and produce it into a cleaned up, pretty book/pdf.
I imagine contributors like CR would be most interested in this step.
But everyone would be involved in the raw materials step (writing words and getting screenshots into the wiki)
CC-By would lose that, after the first iteration, as far as my understanding of the licence goes.
That's not how licenses work (at least not these ones), you can't remove any prior terms, you can only add terms. Technically you could take a CC-BY work and wrap it in a CC-BY-SA work, or relicense as All Rights Reserved. BUT everyone would still be required to attend that that attribution of the original license. SA means you can't /add licenses/ to make it more restrictive.
@doctormo: "FLOSS Manuals utilise la licence libre GPL pour l'ensemble de ses travaux." - translates to: all manuals on flossmanuals are under the GPL (don't ask which version, doesn't say there on that page. (https://www.flossmanualsfr.net/faq-floss-manuals-francophone/ch011_q uest-ce-que-lopen-source-et-quelle-est-la-difference-entre-free- libre-et-open).
Ugh, not dual licensed then. This is where a CC0 or PD would have been better. We can't do anything with the content if we want to use CC-BY- SA since the licenses are incompatible.
We'll have to be careful.
Best Regards, Martin Owens