On May 11, 2013, at 10:22 AM, Martin Owens wrote:
Hey guys,
I've been struggling with getting my designed UI into code and I need some help.
I have a Gtk::Toolbar with a few buttons a space widget and then a few more buttons. The goal is to set h_expand on the space widget in Gtk2 and push the two sets of buttons to either side. The code for Gtk3 is fairly strait forward but C++ isn't letting me call child_set_property and set_expand doesn't do anything; so I'm stuck.
Code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5655252/
P.S. I'm used to using glade, do we not use it because it's a bad dep or because inkscape was made before glade existed?
Generally we avoided glade because it suffered from the general UI "draw app" issues of generating poor code and also of being able to get one 80% of the way quickly but hard to finish the final 20%.
However, I think most important is that the glade markup is still way to focused on the physical layout of widgets and not with the logical. In that regard it is very similar to XUL and others, and not as generally useful.