On 4/27/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
Hmm, I think I just invented it myself: make the deselection conditional on Shift pressed when you do the first click. Makes a lot of sense because Shift+click in selector is very similar in semantics: do what simple click does but without deselecting. I'll implement it now.
Done, and 'add mode' is eliminated. Here's the complete new release note:
o What was previously called the "add mode" is now always on in Pen and Pencil tools, i.e. the selected path always displays the end markers. This makes it easy to continue or close the selected path. The 'a' key to toggle the add more is removed.
o If you start drawing outside the end markers of the selected path then, unless Shift was pressed, that path is deselected and you are drawing a new path (not a new subpath of the selected path as before). To add to the selected path, you have to start drawing either from one of its end markers to continue it, or in arbitrary place but with Shift pressed to create a new unconnected subpath.
o If you start drawing from one end marker of a path and arrive at the other end marker, the path gets closed automatically (the markers disappear).