On 10/19/05, Ben Fowler <ben.the.mole@...400...> wrote:
Marquee = Replace selection Shift-Marquee = Extend selection Opt-Marquee = Remove from selection
You can't do that because shift+drag and alt+drag are already used.
Instead, what can be done (if there's enough interest) is the optional toggle behavior of the rubberband (marquee). Currently, rubberband only adds to selection. With this option on, it would toggle (select what is not selected and unselect what is selected, same as Shift+click).
Ideally, the cursor should adopt a + and - emblem in the last two cases. FWIW, I would have the same convention for clicking, to wit: Shift-click Adds and Opt-click Subtracts.
Why if now you can do both with one Shift+click?
- Select an invisible object
In general, use hidden layers, not hidden objects. If you ended up with a hidden object, you can pick it using Find (Ctrl+F), or enable Tab/Shift+Tab to select hidden (Inkscape Prefs > Selection).
- See that some hidden or locked objects were not included in
the selection
Normally they are not included in a selection.
3a. Select an object too large for the selection cues to be visible
Tab, or Click. No need to use rubberband.
3b. Select an object where it is buried and cannot be clicked on, and overlain and/or partly off screen and cannot be marquee'd in toto
- Select a buried object
- Select one object from a group
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org