2006. 05. 18, csütörtök keltezéssel 18.43-kor Ralf Stephan ezt írta:
Please discuss redesign but it will not be implemented in 0.44.
As this task is clearly not depend on programmer experience, I have looked at the source and figured out the exact layout. After that, I have made a simple glade file from it, and builded. So I have attached a glade file, for everyone to play with. I highly recommand gazpacho as glade designer, it have complete undo system and stable for me (more stable than glade). Glade has many popups, and difficult to use (bad ui design). Gazpacho homepage: http://gazpacho.sicem.biz/
After we figure out the layout, we can make simple .glade file, it can be used as a references for coding. (note: Im not proposing to use libglade or any glade related tool in inkscape! just for brainstorming and designing)
Its really fun to play with gazpacho, I strongly suggest everyone to play with. If you have an idea or proposal, just send your .glade file to the list and an (optional) screenshot to be able to collaborate playing and developping further.
I have attached a .glade file (snap.glade.gz) for the recent snap dialog design.
I have made some modification as Tav suggested, and made a mockup. The modified .glade file attached(snapNew.glade.gz).
Here is a comparison screenshot for the two design: http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/3010/spannew8ne.png
Some important modification: In the table it can be only one radiobutton selected. So it is important to snap an object node to an another objects path and nodes at the same time. I think its a good improvement. There is no need to snapping to many things at the same time, it make just difficult to use.
Hope we can figure out a better design!
To Alan: quote:
I don't think the layout you propose would work particularly well. It doesn't seem like something you could do within the Gnome guidelines.
Since me and (I think) other proposals will using glade for the design, I think we can stay within the gnome guideline.
Best regards, Khiraly