2008/8/8 Steren <steren.giannini@...400...>:
- I like the checkbox idea : turn them on to have control, off to stick to
the original. Great Of course, by default, all the boxes are unchecked.
- I really disagree on the %min + %max + randomness system: it's too many
I disagree... I don't think complexity of an interface is directly proportional to the number of parameters. I think that the parameters in my mockup are placed in a way that are intuitive enough to manage them, as all of the settings have an homogenized way of working. The limits are needed in case you want to constrain some parameter to determined values; I don't know of other way to offer this feature so ideas are welcomed.
Ideally, a special widget that lets you set the limits in a circle or slider would be best, is this out of question? I'm trying to be direct on my approaches and prefer leaving the polishing for later, if only to avoid layers and layers of complexity and concerns while explaining.
I think we should have a closer look to the way statistical dispersion can be described. A good way to deal with dispersion is to use the standard deviation number, which uses the same unit than the data. The standard deviation could be the only parameter if we consider our clone objects properties being created under a normal distribution (Gaussian). The other parameter is the mean and is determined by the original object or the cursor position.
I know how a gaussian distribution works, but I didn't understand the sentence about the mean and how it relates to the original object or the cursor position. Please, make a mockup. I've uploaded a SVG file to the wiki with my UI proposals: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/images/Spray-tool.svg
I personally think that only giving the standard deviation and using a normal distribution is enough for scaling / rotation / H / S / L / O. This really simplify the UI.
As I said, you leave behind the opportunity to fine tune the parameters. I prefer that people does mockups and detailed explanations of how they expect this to work and what would like to set instead of build their expectations upon my proposal. This way we can make a compromise between our subjective interests.
- For spacial scattering, as we said, we need more control on the
distribution, that was your idea when you mentioned the 2 radius. There a many many statistical distribution possible. With a normal one the standard deviation is your radius, and 3 times the standard deviation is the scatter radius. If we want to control them intependantly we have to choose a more complex distribution, there are many out there :)
Or maybe not ;) Scrap the radiuses. Ideally (again :)), I'd like to set the density by editing a curve. This is more intuitive and has an additional advantage: you can make a painting cursor that has a hole in it. With the two radius approach we only can set the circumferences, so having a hole or concentric rings is impossible. If the user wants a gaussian distribution he could draw a gaussian curve, (or use a default preset -yes, in my fantasy world curves can be saved;)).
- I would get rid off the X and Y spacing and talk about normal and
tangential scattering.
Ok, that's more correct. With everything, we need: - The distribution setting (I vote for the curve editing widget). - Normal scattering. - Tangential scattering. - Another for rotation of the cursor.
One question normal and tangential should be controlled with two independent curves? Or make it a curve for distribution, and control the normal and tangential scattering sepparately?
Doubts, doubts, doubts...
- I'm good for the tab system. But what if you want all you shapes be
controlled by the same randomness parameters ? Maybe we should have a "Master" tab, to control all the items and dedicated tabs for each item.
Yes, that could be a solution. My doubt is if the Master tab settings should be added to each object tab or prevail over them.
Hoping these comments will be usefull Steren.
They are ;)
PS: On the researching for this blueprint I found that the units in the HSL (and CMYK for the same matter) tab are not expressed as they should: - H goes from 0 to 360ยบ. - S and L go from 0 to 100. But in Inkscape the values are expresed as 1 Byte integers! Why?