This is awesome Jayesh!

I know Tavmjong Bah has also been working on a polyfill, so hopefully you two can join forces & figure out how to handle remaining issues.

Some comments, which I'll also file as Issues in your GitHub repository:

As I said, awesome work! I look forward to being able to use mesh gradients on the web.

Amelia Bellamy-Royds

On 19 January 2017 at 08:20, Jayesh Salvi <jayeshsalvi@...400...> wrote:

I've implemented Javascript polyfill for SVG files that have mesh gradients in them, so that they can be rendered in browsers successfully. I ported the mesh gradient rendering code from Cairo to javascript in order to do so.

The code and instructions on how to use it are available at 

This code could be run on SVG files created in inkscape and make them renderable in browser.

Please take a look. I'm looking forward to your feedback.
(There are still some rough edges, as this is still a proof-of-concept thing. But the code works for examples in samples directory)


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