Hi Eduard, thanks for the feedback.
Yesterday I was actually thinking about a drop-down that lets the user store presets, very much like GIMP implemented recently [1]. It could also also offer "<default>" and "<reset>" (default could be user definable; reset could reset to hardcoded defaults)
On the other hand that would not offer the possibility to set/reset individual parameters as your implementations do, so I don't know if this would be useful at all.
There are two diferent things here, the default values for new LPE's and allow to store a concrete configuration of the LPE parameters.
While some parameters are specific of the LPE-element (point parameter for example) or specific to the data stored (path parameters what is strange you want to reuse often) I think is not a good idea similar thing, in the LPE part of inkscape.
I think some good goals for LPE are:
* Create developer defined custom presets for suitable LPE's. * Simplify the UX moving less used parameters to a advanced expander widget. * Maybe add a slider in some LPE that modify more than one parameters at the same. * Fix LPE on grouped shapes. * Add Shortcuts * Rename from LPE to LE and think using Images and Texts
Thoughts are welcome!
Cheers, Jabier.