I'm new to the community, and am excited to contribute what I can. I am a set desigener by training and trade, and not a programmer, but I am training my self in that regard.
I'm coming from a place of frustration: My industry has a rich tradition of hand drafting and hand rendering which is gradually adobting the use of software in preference to water color etc. We are spending WAY to much money on software wich never does what we need it to do in the first place. I'm hoping to contribute what I can to bring the tradition ofhand rendering and drafting of set design to this project.
I'm really thrilled about being able to see a problem, work on a solution and then get it out there for others.
I am of course going to do all the searching I can do to find if other projects along these lines are in progress, but I've listed a few I'm interested in. If you know people working on them already, would you mind pointing me towards them?
DXF - SVG Conversion tools
DWG - SVG Conversion tools
MCD - SVG Conversion tools
Saving user defined paper sizes either to the system memory or a separate user preference file.
Template system.
Work space / Layout space system [using viewing areas to view geometry in the workspace / other files in a layout and generating a SVG to reflect either that reality or a vector representation of the result.
Drawing to Scale
Drawing in full and adjusting annotation to represent the scale relative to the 'printed' product
Exploring database links to SVG geometry to allow dynamic update from SVG -> Database and Database -> SVG [native system for adjusting the parameters of an object and having those chagnes reflected in the visual aspects of the object.]
Nothing too ambitious... Really, I'll have that banged out over the weekend. *Sarcastic*
Anyway, thank you all for your work on this project!
-Dan Krause
302 598 4162