On 4/2/11 06:37, ~suv wrote:
On 2/2/11 22:26, J.B.C.Engelen@...1578... wrote:
I have not done extensive tests, Inkscape seems to build fine, runs ok, and what I tested (spiro LPE) works fine too. If there are any troubles, let me know.
tested with r10031 on OS X 10.5.8, default prefs, compared with r10021:
select tool transforming with the mouse (stretch, scale, skew) seems broken
node tool node-editing of a path with auto-smooth nodes randomly (?) converts un-affected auto-smooth nodes into cusps.
In attached example:
- select e.g. an end node and move it: all auto-smooth nodes turn into cusp nodes
- now select all nodes (Ctrl+A) and move the selection of nodes (i.e. the whole path): auto-smooth nodes are restored
r10032 is nearly unusable - any transformations with the select tool (scale, rotate, stretch, skew) use the wrong reference point and the dragged corner gets completely detached from the position of the mouse pointer. The issue was also confirmed by ScislaC (on irc) with r10032 on Ubuntu.
other issues:
3) Node tool The previously mentioned issue with auto-smooth nodes in the the node tool affects smooth nodes and cusp nodes in paths created with the pen and pencil tool, see 4 and 5) as well.
4) Pencil (freehand) tool Curves drawn as freehand lines with the pencil tools now have cusp nodes with apparently extracted handles though they are not shown in the node tool (in r10021 and 0.48 they use smooth nodes)
5) Pen (bezier) tool Bezier curves drawn with the pen tool have cusp nodes instead of smooth nodes. No handles are displayed when editing the path in the node tool. When moving a node in the node tool or inserting a new node, all segments are turned into straight lines. Unlike described in 2) the handles can't be restored.