El 30/06/12 09:43, Alex Valavanis escribió:
Hi All,
I wondered what people's thoughts are on our support for GTK+ 2.20... A quick check reveals that we now have 100 conditional code blocks to support the obsolete symbols provided by GTK+ 2.20, so it adds a bit of a burden on developers and it makes the code horrible to read in places. Most stable/LTS releases of major linux distros provide newer versions of GTK+/gtkmm than 2.20. The exception is Debian Stable, but that's a pretty special case (i.e., ancient versions of everything!)
If we were to drop our support for gtk+ 2.20, the main casualty would be Ubuntu Lucid. However, (a) there are two newer stable versions of Ubuntu and a newer LTS release available, (b) we have already bumped our Cairo dependency to a version that is not in Lucid, and (c) I guess that trunk will inevitably reach the point where we leave some older distro versions behind.
So... the question is whether we continue supporting a big chunk of conditional code or whether we drop support for gtk+ 2.20.
Any thoughts?
Hi. Debian Testing is currently in freeze stage and the release of Debian 7 is planned for early 2013. Ubuntu Lucid hits end of life for final users in 2013 too. I doubt that a Debian stable user that would keep Debian 6 after version 7 is released is somebody who would need the latest version of inkscape, and Ubuntu Lucid users will have to upgrade anyway because they'll go unsupported for everything (not just inkscape) so your proposal doesn't sound like a big compromise. I'd say +1 :-)