On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 21:55:13 +0200, Ulf Erikson <ulferikson@...400...> wrote:
I wrote my own PDF output for Inkscape few weeks ago. It doesn't even try to address all your requirements and is not based on Cairo. All I wanted was a PDF with colours, bounding box and transparency. And that is about all there is. I never got much further than strokes and fills. It wasn't needed for the drawings I wanted to convert anyway. There is no support for features such as text, patterns or embedded images..
If this still sounds interesting enough as a starting point I could mail it to you.
Sure, could you upload it to the patch tracker?
I was looking into PDF the other day. While cairo PDF is good enough (maybe even preferable) for a lot of purposes, with a "native" PDF export we could do a lot more to preserve SVG document structure in the PDF output.