Good! I like it that way!

On 6/22/06, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 6/22/06, dsign <dignor.sign@...400...> wrote:
> 1.- Have the user to install Java and Saxon to see the documentation.
> 2.- Achieve the same things that Java and Saxon do using libxslt and some
> extension module.
> 3.-  Pregenerate all the svg help files and use them pregenerated, as is
> being done till now.
> I'm not very fond of 1. Using 3 excludes the option of a thin format for
> documenting extensions (perhaps as part of .inx files).
>  So I'm going to look closer at 2. At this moment, I have a single question:

I'm not really sure it's worth it. As I said, Saxon is required only
for SVG generation. And documentation in SVG, while a clever hack and
even appropriate for Inkscape, is not really something mainstream. It
is only appropriate for tutorials with elements of interactivity, not
for general documentation and probably not for documenting extensions.
So I would propose to leave the SVG generation via Saxon as is, and
ship SVGs pregenerated, and use client-side XSLT for all other formats
(HTML, PDF, whatever).

bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.