On Thursday 17 March 2005 04:12, Jon Phillips wrote:
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 19:05 -0800, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
Craig Bradney wrote:
On Wednesday 16 March 2005 20:16, Bryce Harrington wrote:
http://software.newsforge.com/software/05/03/08/1712218.shtml?tid=152&t id=1 31&tid=130
(Scribus and Cinepaint have support for LittleCMS, but neither GIMP nor Inkscape support it yet. I wonder which project will succeed in implementing the support first?)
You tell us Bryce? :)
Depends on how many of you can lend me a hand.
What needs to be done? Slice and dice the problem into chunks...this will be great to support! Ah, once implemented then can start to work on the OpenColor system to rival Pantone. MRDOCS and I talked about this? Craig, how do you all deal with the whole Pantone-dominance issue?
We cant. Its well and truly embedded in the printing market, however all it is is a simple list of colours and their references which are embedded into PS/PDF. Providing a method for this addition by the USER, for whatever system, be that Pantone or any of the others out there can easily be done with a reference field in the colour files. Speaking of which, we never really progressed with the colour file format we discussed ages ago.