Hey All,
As with other things, why fix what isn't broken? This release' bug hunt is a combination of the last two bug hunts in terms of functionality and scoring. Again, this is liberally recycling bryce's announcements. ;)
Traditionally, we specify a point target for us to reach, and award us points based on the severity of the bug: 3, 6, 9, or 12 points for low, medium, high, and critical. This releases goal is again 500 points.
We only give points for true bug fixes - not bugs simply closed due to being dupes, invalid, works-for-me, or whatnot. As with the last release, we won't count fixes to the website, translations, docs, and so on, we'll award points only for true code-level bug fixes.
While our Frost goal is to close 500 points worth of *any* bug, when we get to Freeze our goal will be to have 0 Critical bugs, so efforts put into closing Crits will be doubly good!
As with 0.45's bug hunt, we do want to encourage work on old bugs. So, points will be doubled for any bugs fixed that have been open for a year or more.
Bug Hunt Goal: 500 points Current: 0 points Low: 3 - 6 pts Med: 6 - 12 pts High: 9 - 18 pts Critical: 12 - 24 pts
We especially need testers (and bug fixers) for Windows and OSX. We have a tendency to have a number of platform specific bugs, so all the help we can get would be appreciated.
If you are a Windows or OSX user, you too can be a big help, simply by browsing the bug tracker and see if you can reproduce the bug, and then add a comment on the bug one way or the other. No technical experience required. :-)
I will be posting scoring as we have in the past. Note that the "current" score above is actually incorrect as a few bugs have been fixed since the Frost began. The first scoreboard will be posted by mid-week and will include all fixes since Frost began.
Cheers, Josh