Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
Jon A. Cruz wrote:
... And in order to get a single binary that works both on Windows 95/98/ME and on Windows NT/2K/XP that needs to be checked at runtime.
For that unicows might help (see http://libunicows.sourceforge.net/), or perhaps even the UTF-8 API used by Foobar2000 (see http://www.foobar2000.org/, it's in the SDK). These might be a bit extreme if filenames are the only problem, but it could provide a relatively easy solution to this particular (sub)problem.
Generally doesn't quite fit all of our needs, as among other things we'd have to switch more code to Win32 API stuff directly (i.e. OpenFile instead of stdio's fopen, etc.
Thankfully, we don't use that much of the Win32 API, so things are fairly manageable. Oh, and I've been doing this kind of trick for years before Microsoft released MSLU and unicows, so it's fairly shaken out.