microUgly wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
Now, gradients are automatically forked if necessary upon any change, so if you change gradient on one object this never affects any other objects.
Oh, no! I can't express how disappointed I am by this decision. I always felt that being able to easily reuse gradients was one of Inkscapes best features.
Agreed. However, you still can re-use them, it's just a little more time consuming now. When you want to change your gradients as you used to, you can click the "Edit" button on the gradient toolbar to do it via the dialog. That method does not auto-fork and updates all shared gradients on canvas from my testing. Unfortunately it lacks the simplicity and speed of the on-canvas gradient editing though.
It was just revealed to me a method of creating a gradient with one stop for the purpose of being able to change flat colour of multiple objects easily (http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=248#p1362), and now that trick is void.
Yes, that trick can be very helpful... but what you're really in need of is shared styles as bulia mentioned.
I'm really sorry I missed the discussion of this decision. I would have been quite vocal :) I'm constantly tweaking colours in my drawing and I relied on the ability to be able to update them all very easily. Colouring in Inkscape will be very clumsy and tedious now.
I don't think there was really a discussion about this (unless I happened to have missed it). I'm not too fond of the change myself as I mostly use inkscape for Illustration where this was extremely helpful to my workflow. But, at least we still have SOME way to work around it.
I won't argue that people new to Inkscape didn't become confused by the system. I will argue that perhaps not enough thought was put into the solution. Inkscape has lost a feature, not gained one.
I do think that Bulia is correct that for new users, this is good for usability. And with the way these things have happened in the past, in the end we'll have a better way to do it (the question is when that will be).
The best solution is to get our CSS & Styles up to par internally and have a good UI for that. This should serve your needs. Unfortunately as far as I know, JonCruz is the man with the plan on that and he's doing work to get us supporting color profiles correctly currently. But, from my understanding, the work he's been putting into our handling of "paints" is some of the necessary groundwork for proper CSS support.
Bulia, would it be possible for us to have a toggle button on the gradient toolbar that toggles auto-forking? Obviously we would default it to "on". It seems like it would be possible since the gradient editing dialog still maintains the "shared" workflow, however I'm not sure how much has changed in the actual gradient tool and if that would be a pain to implement. What are your thoughts?