On Thursday 07 October 2010 21:08:26 Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
avp@...2472...:~/soft/src/inkscape_web/news/ru/2010$ svn commit 09/004.inc Adding 09/004.inc svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: File '/svnroot/inkscape/inkscape_web/trunk/news/en/2010/09/004.inc' already exists svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file: svn: '/home/avp/soft/src/inkscape_web/news/ru/2010/09/svn-commit.3.tmp'
Note how files from ru directory try to be committed to en directory. Could anybody please explain how on Earth this is possible?
I use svn rarely, but one scenario I can think of is that the directory en/2010/09 was not copied by svn cp, but by hand (using cp for example) (svn stores its .svn thing in every folder, maybe that could be the cause)
Regards, Martin Sucha