7 Jul
7 Jul
4:18 p.m.
On Tue, 2004-07-06 at 18:07, Peter Moulder wrote:
Why is sketch needed? pstoedit can itself produce svg.
Looking in ~/.bash_history, it looks like I used
pstoedit -ssp -dt -f plot-svg <ps/eps/pdf file> blah.svg
One may need to add either -split (and change blah.svg to blah-%d.svg) or specify -page 1.
Well, my understanding is that SVG plug-in produces incorrect results unless you pay for it. I could only find it as a binary for x86 Linux, which didn't make it as useful for me (running PPC).
I wrote the author and asked if he'd be willing to opensource the SVG component and didn't get a reply :( (didn't really expect a positive one, but I thought I'd try)