Mihaela wrote:
Ted Gould wrote:
This is unrelated to Inkscape, but please don't run as root. A lot of the security techniques used by Linux in general rely on the user being unprivileged. Being root breaks this assumption, and thus makes your system more vulnerable overall.
I do login as a user, I'm not using the OS as root. But I often have to authorize root access to do the things I need to do. All my linux friends told me to go with user and they said I would only need to occasionally login as root until things settle down and I have all the features I need, but that hasn't happened yet and I still often have to use root access :p
I also ran into a weird problem recently (weird to a former windows user), my home directory became full (I think) and I couldn't save a file I was working on. Is there a limit on my home dir that is less than the available space on disc partition?
Assuming no quotas are in place, no, there is no practical size limit for home dirs. You may run "df" and "mount" in a console to check up on your disk usage.