Ronan Zeegers wrote:
Yes, I really want to push inkscape to the "multiimage" animation level. But I don't know if it is easy to do. Do you have a guess of how many days work it represent?
It depends on how much thought has already gone into this. E.g an important question is what this page stuff looks like in SVG syntax. To me adding pages does not seem too hard to do, but I could be miles off aswell. I have found that having a wiki page for RFEs, bugs, etc was very helpful in developing the upgraded gradient tool [1]. Plus people without coding knowledge can help you by finding out all ins and outs about multipage in SVG syntax and distill that into a piece of text on the wikipage. Inkscape's wiki is not always clear on where to find stuff, but I think [2] is a good start to add a link to the multipage-page. You might want to send around an e-mail over the devel and user maillinglists to request people to review the page and add something to it. It might also attract another developer to help you out , e.g. in making a page selector widget. Maybe someone knows Inkscape's architecture well and can tell you in which class to add what, but he does not have the time to code for himself: go to the wiki and add all you hae time for :) Being a code-monkey and just implementing what others have thought of can be pleasing from time to time :)
Cheers! Johan
[1]: http://wiki.inkscape.org:8080/wiki/index.php/Inkscape/gradientgoodness [2]: http://wiki.inkscape.org:8080/wiki/index.php/NewFeatureProposals