On Sat, 2005-06-18 at 23:17 +0400, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On 6/18/05, David Christian Berg <david@...407...> wrote:
I just saved it as pdf from Inkscape. I know about importing the pdf to Scribus, but it's quite the PITA...
Really? Have you got anything for our most friendly bugtracker? :)
Well: At that point I just was speaking from experience and couldn't tell right away, what the problems were... right now I'm working with a 1.3.0 CVS from February, so things might have changed. But:
1. Fonts aren't preserved. Maybe Scribus doesn't automatically recognize my .fonts folder in my home?
2. Transformations get lost. The inkscape logo that should be tiny is huge and at totally the wrong spot.. so is the text going along with it. Is there a problem with rotating objects by 90°?
3. There are some issues with transparencies it seems, but I'm not yet sure, what exactly it is.
4. (also for inkscape:) Bleed... Maybe I'm just blind. I know there's been a discussion about bleed for 1.3, but I can't find it.
Anyways, number 1 and 2 are the two things that keep me from using it.
Scribus however is a great piece of software. I'm just used to InDesign, which by now is still a little more comfortable... This is why I'm not following the development as closely as I am with Inkscape (Inkscape is more comfortable to use than CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator -- it just does still lack some functionality, as we all know)
Take care!