Any artists out there using Inkscape on a drawing tablet?
I find the lack of touch and pen support very inconvenient for
serious, free hand drawing. Does anyone else find this wanting or is
working on it? C R, you mentioned it in the discussion of Jabier's
workspace rotation.
I'm using a Lenovo P40 with the Bamboo Smart AES pen, which has 2
buttons. I'd like to use the buttons to cycle between certain tools.
Preferably, panning, rotation, and scaling should work like Autodesk
Illustrator, using 2 fingers:
scale = Magnitude(p1 - p0) / Magnitude(p1_start - p0_start)
rotation = atan2(p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x) - atan2(p1_start.y -
p0_start.y, p1_start.x, p0_start.x)
pan = 0.5 * (p0 + p1) - 0.5 * (p0_start + p1_start)
Then single touch should be used to select and move objects.
Currently, single touch is indistinguishable from the mouse - stray
lines are very annoying (Wacom's palm rejection helps reduce this
though). Just like pens, touch should remember the last tool used and
switch to it when using it again.
I started implementing these and found GTK 3 has no multi touch
support on Windows and the pen support is also flaky - the source of
each event is always GDK_SOURCE_MOUSE / "Virtual Core Pointer"
GDK_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN, meaning the pen can't remember its last used
tool separately from the mouse.
For now, I've managed to implement these work arounds:
switch tools: bottom pen button cycles between cursor, pencil, and
tweak. Double clicking top button switches to eraser.
pan: hold down top pen button and drag
fingers to zoom - seems the Wacom driver recognizes zoom gestures and
translates it into mouse wheel zoom events
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