I just joined this list because after asking about extensions and handling of dpi etc in 0.92 on the Inkscape forums and on Launchpad I got several recommendations to bring it up with you developers here instead. (I should probably have lurked here a long time to keep updated about changes happening to Inkscape before major releases. My extensions have been online since 2008.)
Either I am confused about how user-units are supposed to work (and my extension is even more confused) or there is a bug in Inkscape (possibly in inkex.py?).
http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=31525 https://answers.launchpad.net/inkscape/+question/431543 https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1654907 https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/299033/inkscape-extensions-boardgame-de...
For testing I created a rectangle in 0.91, a 1x1-inch square at -3 inches x (I only bother with the x-coordinates in the following). Inkscape UI reports that it is at -270px. If I transform it by translate(270) it ends up at x=0, as expected.
It also works in 0.92. Inkscape UI now reports -288px, but still a translate(270) works as expected, so Inkscape internally correctly understands that the user-unit in this document is 1/90 inches (I confirmed by calculating svg width and viewBox that it is indeed that).
But the countersheetsextension running in 0.92 on a document from 0.91 gets confused and translates things too far. If the document was created in 0.92 it works (user-units for an A4 for instance being 1mm, and it translates properly). The extension works by reading coordinates using --query-all, and I had to make a small change to even support 0.92-documents in 0.92 (see https://github.com/lifelike/countersheetsextension/commit/aa454f5117fbd457d4...), but this fails on a document created in 0.91. The calculations, done using unittouu, ends up with values as if the user-units were 1/96 inches, so in the example above the extension outputs translate(288), and the rectangle is translated 18 units too far to the right.
So what I think is going on is that inkex.unittouu fails to properly calculate coordinates in user-units if they do not match some of the pre-defined values, but Inkscape internally does a better job?
Trying to figure out a work-around. Perhaps write my own function to calculate user-units instead of using unittouu, or somehow detecting that the document was created using 0.91 (although I guess it will still fail for documents with any other possible user-unit lengths that might exist out there?)? Or maybe I just use the API in inkex the wrong way and what I try to do should already be possible?