fyi: This month's Linux Format magazine has a really nice tutorial on Inkscape shapes (becoming a regular feature like their great Gimp tutorial series). Maybe it's just a copy of the existing shapes tutorial (didn't have my laptop with me to compare), but if not, I wonder if there's a way to get permission to put links on the website to the actual articles like this?
It's often frustrating to search for documentation and find articles that are months, even years old locked away in subscription only files. Maybe there's a better way to have a linkage between commercial publishers (or even bloggers, the line is blurring) and free software in order to get more how-tos and documentation (some sites do variations on this)
One way is to give special promotion on the website to mags that promote the existing tutorials as articles or maybe so many months after publication have excuarticles that become open and part of the software's tutorial or website - this provides magazines with steady stream of great articles, first to market advantage, and exposure on software websites, authors become regular celebrated columnists and even fabulously wealthy on the speaker circuit, and Inkscape and it's users get more freely available docs, everyone wins.