Sat, 30 Dec 2006 09:35:06 +0200 Niko Kiirala <niko@...1267...> kirjoitti:
To fix this, I think the scaling factor should be calculated in some other way in nr-filter.cpp and transformer should use bilinear or bicubic resampling.
Uh, and already forgot... I think I can look into these problems after New Year.
There seems to be a bigger problem lurking, though: filter effects region and it's clipping. As for now, that region is calculated in screen coordinates, which leads to wrong filter effects region with skewed and/or rotated objects: the region and thus the filter effects clipping area should also be skewed and/or rotated.
This would require some method to determine object bounding box in it's own coordinate system and some way to determine, where corners of this bounding box are located in screen coordinates. (all four of those, as the bounding box may not be paraller to screen axis)