I have a presentation of about 50 slides. When I go through the slides with inkview, it quickly eats up all of my memory (512 mb). I dont know a proper way to describe the memory usage, so I will list some info:
Memory only goes up when I change slides. If it sit on the same slide, it is fine.
If I just go back and forth between two slides, memory will increase each time I go back and forth, until it eventually levels off. Then I can flip back and forth between those two slides without any increase in memory.
When I flip to more slides, memory goes up again.
I can go through the whole presentation once, and memory will go to a certain value. Going backwards, or going to the start and showing slides again will continue to increase the memory.
Eventually, after playing with the slides for about 15 minutes, inkview will crash, and print "Killed" to the console.
I am basing my statements about memory on "ps aux" and "free -m".
I will be glad to do anything else that anyone thinks will help explain the memory usage.
I will be glad to send the presentation to anyone also. It is about 7 mb uncompressed.
Thanks, Rich.