On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 11:07:39PM -0400, bulia byak wrote:
I have committed the embed script, one more translation, and the release notes. With that and today's fixes, maybe it's worth doing one more prerelease. In any case, I think we can do the final release tomorrow if nothing bad shows up.
Cool. What do you think of patch #1117737? (attached).
There is a bug with Glib::wrap that makes icons generate warnings when they're uncovered. (See bug 1069560) This is a very annoying bug on windows if you do any kind of multitasking. Glib::wrap is only used on the visible/locked layer buttons, but it was still very annoying.
This is nearly a one-line patch. It adds another PixBufFactory constructor (very simple: compare it to the constructor above the new one), just a .h change, and switches to Gtk::Image from Glib::wrap (using identical syntax to the align.cpp usage). It looks like something is being done in Gtk::Image that Glib::wrap wasn't, and that was making gdk_drawable unhappy.