On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 15:44, Aubanel MONNIER wrote:
OK, so I stick with manual delete for the momment. It's just that deleting vector elements ain't fun.
Hmm, a std::vector<SPObject *> or similar?
In fact, I'm not used to smart pointers, but to answering one of my questions, I was suggested to do it that way.
It could be one of the less evil uses of auto pointers, though there are still probably better approaches. I would need to know more about the code in question before I could know what to suggest, however.
Will the gc be included for 0.4 or is this planned for later ?
Early 0.4.
Do you need some help to do that ?
Not sure yet. I'm still trying to decide how agressively existing code should be converted to use the garbage collector (which will dictate how much new code can use it).