On 8/24/12 19:48 , ~suv wrote
WRT python lxml module:
For the current packaging scripts in trunk, I maintain a personal (junk) branch on launchpad.net with some bug fixes (and additional refactoring):
https://code.launchpad.net/~suv-lp/+junk/inkscape-osxapp-stacked (Note: this is WIP, none of the changes has been reviewed)
The branch includes a script to compile lxml with the system python, ready to be included in the app bundle (no README notes available yet). I don't know if those modules would work with packages creates with John Ralls' "gtk-mac-bundler" though.
In 'packaging/macosx/osx-app.sh' of this branch, there is also a link to the old python packages (supporting Python 2.4 - 2.6 (32bit)) temporarily made available via Dropbox: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~suv-lp/+junk/inkscape-osxapp-stacked/view/head:/packaging/macosx/osx-app.sh#L138
Thanks ~suv,
I haven't gotten to the python issue. From what I understand, gtk-mac-bundler should leave the system python unaffected. I should give this a try first, before going the full python inclusion way. By the way, do you know which of the dependencies are needed beside python itself? lxml? numpy?
I have started revamping my old OSX blueprint. You can start having a look. The gtk-mac-integration is not quite there yet.