On Sat, 22 Nov 2003, bulia byak wrote:
- My current status: working on the remaining keys I wanted to enable
for 0.36 (esc in the node editor, etc.)
- Dialog code is finished, but:
2a. Recent reports and testing them under windows show that the transiency code is not perfect. Maybe we'll have to switch "unsinkable dialogs" off on Windows because it behaves erratic there when you try to minimize a document window (maybe this is GTK+ issue). I lean towards accepting the current unsinkable dialogs as temporary solution for the 0.36 release (but not for windows build), but after that I want to explore other options such as GIMP's dockable palettes. Dockability is a good thing in any case, and writing it from scratch is too much work; maybe they will take care of staying on top as well.
That sounds like a good approach. Can you configure it to not use the unsinkable dialogs feature for Windows compiles? Also good idea to investigate dockability; maybe you could add that to the roadmap for 0.37 or 0.38? Perhaps you and Mental can talk about that.
2b. The rest of dialog improvements seem to work OK (keys, titles, remembering position) although nobody yet commented. I think I'll go on and copy the code to all dialogs.
Most people will probably comment after we release 0.36, so be prepared for the input to come at that point. We'll "release early, release often". :-)
I think I already commented on the keys & titles but again, they look good. What is 'remember position'?
I compiled Inkscape from CVS and played with opening and closing Inkscape and its dialogs after moving dialogs around. A few dialogs seemed to remember their screen location when closed and reopened, but not all. None seemed to remember their location between Inkscape invocations. Also I noticed many dialogs first popped up in a corner, whereas it probably would be better for them to pop up either auto-positioned (if possible) or centered in the screen. If the positions could be stored in the preferences and reused from run to run, that would probably be ideal; we'd want to select some suitable initial defaults for people using it for the first time, so dialogs initially pop up in a sensible pattern. What do you think?
2c. I still want someone to test one small change in the transient behavior though. It's simple: Please compile the latest CVS/tarball, open two document windows, maximize both, and switch between them. Does toolbox stay on top? Please report also your window manager. Thanks!
I've tested this on KDE (Mandrake 9.1), the toolbox does not stay on top of the canvas windows when switching via Alt-tab. If I am switching between a single canvas and the toolbar, though, it does.
- Thanks to Robert Crosbie for fixing the save crash, but I think the remaining problems he reported are critical and must be fixed before 0.36:
- autodetect fails if no extension is added to filename (.svg)
- on quit, still says I have unsaved changes, even though I saved
- can't open compressed svg unless it has .svgz extension.
especially the second one. Please add them to the tracker and/or roadmap.
I've added these to the roadmap and listed Robert as their owner; please correct or let me know if someone else is working on them.
- When a consensus is reached on which keys to use for moving to
front/back, please add this to the KeyboardShortcuts TODO and I'll implement that. My opinion: f/b with ctrl or shift are clumsy (although this is what Xara uses), and please don't use [] because I plan to use them for rotation (this is consistent with gqview and I think other image viewers). Maybe Home/End with ctrl will work for moving one layer up/down? They appear intuitive for this task.
I don't have an opinion on this one and am not familiar with how it's done in other applications, but if I were going to try to guess what the mappings were, I'd probably try ctrl-pgup/dn, then ctrl-up/dn, then (maybe) home/end, and finally if it wasn't any of those I'd look at the keyboard shortcuts list.
- I have no opinion on the mouse scroll modifiers (I have no mouse
wheel), but again, when you agree on something please add that to KeyboardShortcuts.
I'll add 'make this decision' to the roadmap. Who do you think would be a good person to make the call? (I also don't have a mouse wheel and also don't have an opinion.)
- I also plan to finish my HandlingPreferences tutorial and comment
on some other new pages on Wiki when I have a little time.
I suspect that tutorial will be very useful.
With Wiki, it looks like we may want to think about doing some refactoring, as the main page is getting a bit lengthy. Keep an eye out for unnecessary/obsolete pages or links that can be removed, or for links that could be moved to a subpage.
- I noticed I forgot to update Changelog with my changes all this
time - sorry! I've prepared a list of everything I've done and will add it now.
Thanks! Yes this is very important because we need it when making the release summary to remember what the main changes were, among other things. (I also need to remember to do this!)
Thanks, Bryce