18 May
18 May
4:50 p.m.
Khiraly wrote:
- 18, csütörtök keltezéssel 08.58-kor Jon A. Cruz ezt írta:
Strange. I'm not seeing that here. I'm on GTK+ 2.6.10 Is the button icon dimmed, or does it just not have an effect?
Only the first click have effect.
Jon, this is what I had mentioned a couple nights ago. Same thing for me both on win32 and Linux. Only the first click on the button is obeyed (while still hovering on that button)... then if you move the cursor off the button and back on, you can click it one time again... so if you want to move a layer downward 4 steps in the stack, you have to leave the button 3 times to accomplish it.