22 Jun
22 Jun
5:21 p.m.
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Bob Jamison wrote:
I noticed that MinGW does support signals to some extent, so I removed the '#ifndef WIN32' switch from that part of inkscape.cpp. Likely inkscape_segv_handler() is now enabled on Win32.
This is good, although perhaps there are other WIN32 compilers that should be tested, just in case? It might be better to open this set of code only if the compiler is MinGW.
Maybe we could add a backtrace to inkscape_segv_handler(), with a note asking the gentle user to send this to us? Maybe save it to a file?
A cut and paste-able note with the backtrace would be a good idea. Might also want to print out a few key env vars or system params (OS version, etc.) and the url for the bug tracker.