This log will be updated every day: http://inkscapeBrasil.org/LastMakeCheck
A script on my cron do this (with other little tests):
svn update ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix="$bin_dir" \ --with-perl --with-python \ --enable-inkboard \ --with-gnome-vfs make make install make check > update-the-web-page
I may notify the community when a error appear after the start of a TDD politic. (or that can be done by the inkscape project server)

On Mar 9, 2009, at 2:59 PM, Aurélio A. Heckert wrote:
This log will be updated every day: http://inkscapeBrasil.org/LastMakeCheck
A script on my cron do this (with other little tests):
svn update ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix="$bin_dir" \ --with-perl --with-python \ --enable-inkboard \ --with-gnome-vfs make make install make check > update-the-web-page
You might want to look into some actual "continuous build" software.
One that is free and quick to set up is CruiseControl
I've used it now and then, and did successfully test setting it up on one of my PC's to do an Inkscape build. One of the nice things with a continuous build system is that generally they know about different source control tools, and when things fail can pinpoint who had made commits since the last successful build.
Also I poked in our CxxTest support for different output formats. So if we need something else, it is not that hard.

Aurélio A. Heckert wrote:
This log will be updated every day: http://inkscapeBrasil.org/LastMakeCheck
:) You are my hero.

I found a error while compiling for make check.
The make check produce this line 3 times: VER_SVNREV=" r`svn info . | sed -n -e '/^Revision:/s/Revision: (.*)/\1/p'`"; \
But my system is in portuguese, that will never found "Revision", and we may have other non english systems. So, we need to prepend the "svn info" with LANG=en: VER_SVNREV=" r`LANG=en svn info . | sed -n -e '/^Revision:/s/Revision: (.*)/\1/p'`"; \
I have committed this change in src/Makefile.am, may we have others like that...
PS: Thanks Jasper :-)
participants (3)
Aurélio A. Heckert
Jasper van de Gronde
Jon A. Cruz