Re: [Inkscape-devel] NEW: Lots of stuff

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 1:48 AM, Ted Gould <ted@...2044...> wrote:
- Created what I'm calling "Quick Zoom." The idea here is to have
a modal zoom for touching up something with fine detail and then returning to what you're doing. This is activated with the letter "Q" on the keyboard. When you release it, you return back to where you were. This will zoom in on selected objects, or if you're in the node tool selected nodes.
Hi, Could you please allow users to redefine this shortcut? I can't find it in global keys/default.xml file. It's a bit frustrating as I was using "q" key to group objects for a half year or so, and after update this key started to zoom objects and nothing can be done to change it. I had the same problem with "d" and space keys, but those were hard coded for a long time, so most users probably get used to them.
participants (1)
Inkscaper Inkscaper