Re: [Inkscape-devel] Call for Freeze Exceptions

Hi Adib, thanks for updating the status on this.
On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 02:53:06AM +0100, Adib taraben wrote:
Hello Bryce and all,
I finished the win32 (un)installer work (svn Revision 16898). I prepared all additional message dialogs for translation. Now the win32 (un)installer will not delete user defined files. It checks by md5 checksum for each file if it has been changed and will ask for deletion. If the file (uninstall.log) containing the md5 checksums does not exists it will abort the uninstallation process.
I will update all Bugs and Release Notes accordingly.
Bryce Harrington schrieb:
On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 10:45:27PM +0100, the Adib wrote:
Hi Bruce,
I want to focus on two things:
- win32 installer
- improve the current uninstaller. Currently it bugs you for every single
file that has been changed. 2. improve PDF, PS export
- implement blur as bitmap
- need to display an dialog and asking for several options (text to path,
blur as bitmap, alpha as bitmap)
Nr. 1) I can do myself. Nr. 2) I need help. I think that two weeks from now (3rd Jan) this will be finished.
I would like to see fixed in the next release the issue with the calculation of object sizes containing blur #168349 .
Hi Adib,
I've got you down with exceptions for both of the above tasks.
The win32 uninstaller is technically packaging work, so is permitted to be done without an exception, but you've got one anyway. But it won't be a blocker for moving into Freeze if it takes longer than expected.
Like others that have replied, it sort of sounds like the PDF/PS work may be a bit more ambitious than there is time for. However I've included an exception for you on this anyway. That said, I would encourage you to prioritize and organize the work such that there are good stopping points in case some of the work needs to be postponed. Improving PDF/PS support is very important, however this item has a longer time estimate than the other tasks that must be completed before Freeze, so is the riskiest item, especially since you think you'll need help. If you can prioritize/organize the work to reduce it something that can be completed by yourself in a shorter timeframe, that would help a lot.
Thanks, Bryce
participants (1)
Bryce Harrington