The utest tests are now converted to CxxTest tests and you can build all the CxxTests on Windows. To build (and execute) them on Linux you still just do "make check", to use them on Windows build the linkcxxtests target and then execute cxxtests.exe (which is put in the build directory). You should execute it from the inkscape directory, as it needs a lot of dll's, unless you have the right dll's available in your path.
Unfortunately the new CxxTest tests do not build under Linux yet. (With a bit of luck this will be remedied within one or two days, I'm currently doing a test build of Inkscape with some changes to add helper/units-test.h to make check.)
I also made some new tests from scratch in CxxTest format. The test file for svg-path was committed some time ago and there are some tests for svg-affine and svg-length now as well (the latter doesn't have a lot of tests yet though).
The test executable generates three types of output: 1. Its progress is written to stdout 2. A log is kept in text format 3. A log is kept in xml format The last two are put in the same directory as the cxxtests executable.
Finally, the results of the tests themselves: - Two of the existing CxxTest tests (AttributesTest::testAttributes and DirUtilTest::testBase) fail on my system(s). - A test converted from the utest framework also fails (BezierUtilsTest::testBezierPt1). - Some of the new tests fail, but fortunately not in ways that would cause problems (for example, the current transform writing code outputs rotations and skews as a matrix instead of a rotate or skewX/Y, not wrong, but not very consistent/user-friendly either).
participants (1)
Jasper van de Gronde